Guiding clients in charitable giving with Bryan Clontz

March 20, 2023 | Stories

What should a professional advisor do if a person called seeking help with S-corporation stock or real estate assets? What if someone wanted to gift a large annuity to a local nonprofit? These were a few real stories that a room full of 30 professional advisors heard from Bryan Clontz, president and founder of Charitable Solutions

In February, WF hosted Clontz to present “Advanced Charitable Brainteasers” to attorneys, CPAs, wealth advisors and others. The interactive session used various case studies to illuminate creative giving solutions in challenging situations.

“As our donors seek tax-effective ways to manage and distribute their resources,” writes Clontz, “it’s increasingly important to offer charitable and estate planning recommendations that match their individual needs.”

Clontz presented a cross-disciplinary approach that unveiled legal, tax, investment, insurance and financial planning techniques unique to each charitable scenario. Advisors walked away with charitable solutions they can readily employ with clients – including working with the Foundation as a vehicle in giving.

“People rely on guidance to make important financial decisions,” said WF President and CEO Shelly Prichard. “We’re here as a partner and resource for our donors as well as professional advisors, to amplify their client’s charitable goals.”

Bryan Clontz, president of Charitable Solutions, presents to professional advisors

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